Bringing Back Ted Knight

When I was a freshman in college (so, 1996), I learned to build some websites.  They were all vanity projects – that’s all you do when you’re in college!  But the one that got a little attention was the site I kept for the actor Ted Knight.  There was a family connection, you see, so I realized I actually had some articles and pictures worth sharing even if the celebrity in question had already passed on.  But I got them up anyway and my silly little site was linked to by Entertainment Weekly.  But at that time, when I say “linked to” I mean they printed the link in their paper magazine.

At any rate, I got very bad at keeping it running smoothly.  So, I’ve brought the key elements back online and am making the modest promise to bring the rest back by the end of the summer.

Please spend a moment browsing my site at

I’m not selling a thing – I promise!